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12 Cat Breeds With Ear Tufts (With Pictures)

Bobcat eating

We love pretty much everything about cats, but the exceptional cuteness of their ear fluff is especially hard to resist! Some breeds have adorable ear tufts, while others are graced with hairs known as ear furnishings, our new favorite term.

If you want to find out more about breeds of cats with ear tufts, ear furnishings, or both, you’re in the right place! We rounded up the top 12 breeds with ear tufts and ear furnishings. We even included a few wild cats for good measure!

Did you know that there’s a difference between ear tufts and ear furnishings?

  • Ear tufts.This is fur that grows from the tips of your cat’s ears. Ear tufts are sometimes called Lynx tips, as they’re also seen on these gorgeous wild cats. Ear tufts help keep a cat’s ears clean and free from dirt. They also help direct sound into the ears, making it easier for these hunters to precisely locate the sound of their prey.
  • 耳朵家具。These are the small hairs that grow inside a cat’s ears. It’s thought that these hairs help cats detect soundwaves that they might otherwise miss, meaning it’s easier for them to pick up on the tiny sounds made by their prey.


The 12 Cat Breeds With Ear Tufts

Breeds With Ear Tufts

1.Norwegian Forest Cat

Norwegian Forest Cat
Image Credit: STVIOD, Pixabay

One of the best-recognized breeds with impressive ear tufts is theNorwegian Forest Cat. Known as “Wegies” to their fans, these large cats are gentle and friendly with their owners. They’re more reserved with strangers, so expect them to disappear or watch carefully from a distance. As a breed that hails from the forests of Norway, it’s no surprise that these cats love to spend time hanging out in high places. Their thick coat has a soft and dense undercoat to keep them warm and a waterproof topcoat to protect them from harsh weather.

Temperament Friendly and gentle
Weight 13-22 pounds
Lifespan 12-16 years
Shedding Medium to high

2.American Curl

American Curl_Chicsweet, Pixabay
Image Credit: Chicsweet, Pixabay

The American Curl is a relatively modern breed and came about as a result of a genetic mutation. Besides having tufts, their ears also have a distinctive curled appearance. American Curls can be born with regular straight ears, though, and these cats are still used within breeding programs to maintain a diverse gene pool. American Curls are outgoing and love people. They’re happiest when they’re surrounded by their family. They also make great pets for families with kids, as they love to learn tricks. Their playful nature doesn’t disappear with kittenhood, and some people call the American Curl the “Peter Pan” of cats.

Temperament 深情,更外向
Weight 5-10 pounds
Lifespan 12-16 years
Shedding Medium to high

3.Maine Coon

Maine Coon_pompi, Pixabay
Image Credit: pompi, Pixabay

The Maine Coon is instantly recognizable due to their large ear tufts. This breed is native to America, and they have been kept as farm cats since the 19thcentury. This large breed takes a long time to mature, and they’re not fully grown until 3-5 years old. Maine Coons have an easy, outgoing personality that many cat lovers find hard to resist. They love their families but are not overly demanding. They’ll be happy to sit and wait until you’re ready to shower them with affection. They love to play and get along well with other pets, including dogs. Maine Coons aren’t that vocal, but they have other ways of catching your attention!

Temperament Friendly and outgoing
Weight 9-18 pounds
Lifespan 9-15 years
Shedding Medium to high


highlander cat in the garden
Image Credit: SUSAN LEGGETT, Shutterstock

The Highlander breed blends the Jungle Curl and Desert Lynx breeds to create a modern mixed cat. They’re sometimes also called the Highlander Shorthair or Highland Lynx. They have the bobbed tail of the Desert Lynx and the tufted, curled ears of the Jungle Curl. Some Highlander cats have distinctive polydactyl paws, although these aren’t acceptable for cats that will be shown. Highlanders might look wild, but they’re friendly, smart, and people-oriented. They’re also confident and outgoing, so they do well in busy households. They love to learn tricks and will even enjoy going for walks on a harness and leash, once they’re trained to do so.

Temperament 聪明,善于交际
Weight 10-20 pounds
Lifespan 10-15 years
Shedding Medium

5.Turkish Van

Turkish van_Lea Rae, Shutterstock
Image Credit: Lea Rae, Shutterstock

土耳其范是一种稀有品种的猫s that actually love water! They often have white bodies with distinctive splashes of color on their heads, ears, and tails. Sometimes there will be spots of color on their coat too. The breed was brought to the U.S.A. in the 1970s, and they’ve been popular ever since. This breed is extremely athletic and loves to spend time playing. Give them a paddling pool in the garden, and they’ll be happy for hours! They also love to spend time up high, so make sure you offer many opportunities for your Turkish Van to climb. They mightlove affection, butthey’re not fans of being picked up or cuddlingon your lap. They will often enjoy sitting next to you on the couch, though!

Temperament Playful and affectionate
Weight 10-18 pounds
Lifespan 12-17 years
Shedding Low to medium


Pixie Bob Cat_PxHere
Image Credit: PxHere

Don’t be fooled by the wild appearance of the Pixie-Bob, as these cats are as affectionate as they come. Some breeders say that the Pixie-Bob originated as a cross between a domestic bar cat and a bobcat, but there’s no real evidence to show that that’s the case. Whatever the origin of this breed, Pixie-Bobs are large yet chilled-out cats. They’re affectionate with their families and will prefer a home where they can be around people for most of the day. They’re also playful, which makes them a great choice for families with kids and multiple other pets.

Temperament Loving and playful
Weight 8-17 pounds
Lifespan 13-15 years
Shedding Medium to high

Breeds With Ear Furnishings


Image Credit: elena_demeshkova, Pixabay

The beautiful Siberian breed hails from the subarctic region of Russia and features in ancient folktales from their native area. It’s no surprise that they have a dense coat to protect them from the cold and generous ear furnishings. The breed was imported to America in 1990 and has been gaining popularity ever since. Siberian cats are extremely affectionate and love following their owners around the house. They’re outgoing enough to enjoy interacting with strangers too. They’re one of the only cat breeds that love water, so don’t be tempted to keep a fish tank in the same house!

Temperament Laidback and affectionate
Weight 8-17 pounds
Lifespan 11-18 years
Shedding Medium to high


Ragdoll_monicore, Pixabay
Image Credit: monicore, Pixabay

The Ragdoll is a young breed, having first been established in the 1960s. They’re placid and calm cats, with their name being inspired by their habit of flopping softly when they’re picked up. They have a distinctive long-haired Himalayan pointed coat and bright blue eyes. Ragdolls love their humans and will always want to be close to you, preferably in your lap! They might be calm but Ragdolls also love to play. They enjoy learning new things and make excellent candidates for families with kids who want to teach their cat a few tricks. Ragdolls are not overly vocal, though they’ll always let you know if they need something!

Temperament Calm and people-oriented
Weight 10-20 pounds
Lifespan 12-17 years
Shedding Medium to high


laperm cats
Image Credit: Philippe Sonderegger, Shutterstock

The LaPerm breed was discovered in Oregon in 1982. One kitten in a litter was born bald and went on to develop a curly coat. All LaPerm cats can trace their ancestry back to this original curly-coated kitten. The curly coat is due to a genetic mutation, which is separate from other curly-coated breeds like the Devon or Cornish Rex. LaPerm are small cats and have wonderful playful natures. They love to spend time with their owners and will be happy to wait until you’re ready to give them attention. LaPerm love to learn new tricks and will enjoy going for walks once they’re trained to wear a harness.

Temperament Playful and outgoing
Weight 5-8 pounds
Lifespan 10-15 years
Shedding Low


Birman_Antranias, Pixabay
Image Credit: Antranias, Pixabay

The stunning Birman hails from Burma, where they are known as the Sacred Cat. They have Himalayan pointed coats and white paws, which are said to be symbols of their pure natures. This breed is a good choice if you love the coat of the Siamese breed but would prefer a less vocal cat. Birmans are quiet overall. They’re smart and curious, though, so they can get into trouble by exploring places they shouldn’t! They have an affectionate yet not overly demanding nature, and they enjoy spending time with their humans whenever they can.

Temperament Friendly and intelligent
Weight 6-12 pounds
Lifespan 12-16 years
Shedding Medium

Wild Cat Breeds


Image Credit: Ondrej Prosicky, Shutterstock

These wild catsare native to Africa and Asia. Their large ears are curved and densely tufted. The tufts extend 5cm above the ears, making them the longest ear tufts that we know of! As solitary cats, it’s thought that their ear tufts are used as a form of visual communication between cats when they meet.


Image Credit: ❤️A life without animals is not worth living❤️ , Pixabay

The majestic Lynx is the inspiration behind the other name for ear tufts: Lynx tips. Lynx are medium-sized wild cats found in North America, Asia, and Europe. There are a few different varieties, including the Eurasian Lynx and the Canadian Lynx. These solitary and quiet cats have distinctive thin black ear tufts extending above their ears.

Featured Image Credit: Holly Kuchera, Shutterstock

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