

Cockatielsare a type of parrot that is popular for being a household pet and companion. They are native to Australia and can be found throughout the world as well. Cockatiels typically live between 12-25 years, depending on their diet, environment, and how they’re cared for by their owners.


If you’re interested in adopting one yourself or simply curious about this funny-looking bird, read on to learn about the cockatiel!


How to Care for a Cockatiel

Caring for a cockatielis relatively easy. However, just as with any other bird, there are certain things you need to know before bringing your winged friend home.

Cockatiel Bird_jenifer Kramer,Pixabay
图片来信:Jenifer Kramer,Pixabay


One of the main things to consider when caring for a cockatiel is where you’re going to put it. Acage that’s big enough,有很多栖息的栖息地和宽敞的斑点,应该是你的优先事项。鹦鹉不被称为“勇敢”的鸟类,所以他们的外壳的整个高度都会让它们感觉更安全。



Feeding a Cockatiel

The鹦鹉的饮食是更复杂的比大多数的宠物,但幸运的是佛r you, there are plenty of resources available with detailed information about what to feed your bird. The best advice we can give you is that it’s important to provide them with fresh food every day to maintain their health and well-being.



feeding a cockatiel
图像信用:M. H.,Pixabay





鹦鹉通常是健康的鸟类。但是,在你的鹦鹉生病了, you’ll need to take it to a veterinarian as soon as possible for treatment.


Other medical conditions to watch out for include:
  • Feather Plucking:这不是一种罕见的条件,但是必须确保你的鸟类没有患有更严重的疾病,然后才刚才无法理由。
  • 作物瘀滞:如果他们感到压力或对某事不满,鹦鹉会停止吃食物。您的兽医可以帮助您了解错误。



Cockatiels make great pets for families, even those with small children. However, they can be noisy and messy, so it’s important to know what you’re getting into before adopting one.


Because they’re messy eaters, you should清洁你的鸟笼每天都要避免在这个地方丢弃粪便(尽管这通常不是使用Playpen的那些问题)。

Cockatiels are relatively low-maintenance pets, but they do require daily interaction and attention to keep them happy. However, this social animal is also extremely rewarding for those who take the time to care for it!


Cockatiels are very social animals, which means they enjoy the company of other pets. However, it’s important to know that they can be territorial and aggressive, so you’ll have to make sure your new pet gets along with any cat or dog living in your house!

The first time you introduce your new pet cockatiel to the family, it’s a good idea to start supervised interaction. This will allow you to see how they get along without risking any injuries or stress for either of them!

The key to introducing your pets is that if one doesn’t seem comfortable around the other, don’t force them together until they come to a mutual agreement. You want your pets on friendly terms, and it’s easier if they can just get along when the time is right!

蓝色cockatiel_bildagentur zoonar gmbh_shuttertock
Image Credit: Bildagentur Zoonar GmbH, Shutterstock

The Costs of Buying A Cockatiel


The adoption costs of a cockatiel vary depending on where you buy it from and what the breed is. You can expect to pay anywhere between $50-150 for an adult bird, though some rarer breeds will cost more than that!

In addition to these costs, there are also smaller expenses associated with caring for your pet, such as food (which should not be too high in sugar or fat), toys, and cage accessories.

Breeding Cockatiels



Cockatiels are monogamous birds which means they mate for life. In addition, cockatiels take a long time to produce their offspring, and it’s extremely difficult to breed them in captivity because of this!

The best way to ensure you’re getting小鸡is by allowing two healthy adult cockatiels the chance to mate naturally (without interference).

There’s alsoa chance that your female cockatiel will lay an egg, which you’ll have to incubate. This is known as “fostering.” It’s important not to handle the chicks until at least 12 hours after they’ve hatched!



  • 美丽的动物
  • It has a wide variety of interesting sounds
  • Quirky personality traits
  • Friendly, social animals that love the company of other pets in the household
  • 相对容易照顾
  • 嘈杂的鸟类
  • 需要注意和每日互动,或者它们可能不开心
  • 需要一个大笼子
  • Expectations are high for breeding them successfully



If you are considering adopting a cockatiel, please consider the time and energy that you will need to care for it. This should include daily cage-cleaning duties and adequate space in your home for its needs (which may vary depending on whether or not this is their first bird).

Cockatiels can be very social creatures who enjoy attention from humans and other birds; they do best with at least one friend of their species. You should also learn about their habits, so you can proactively prevent problems before they arise!





