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What Do Hamsters Eat? The Best Foods For Your Hamster

仓鼠是最常见的宠物在联合国ited States, as they’re small, low-maintenance, and fairly inexpensive. They’re also unbelievably adorable.

但是,这并不意味着适当的方式照顾他们is as well-known as it is for cats or dogs. Many people don’t have the first clue what hamsters eat, for example.

If you’ve just brought home a hamster for a pet and you’re stumped as to what to serve for dinner, the guide below will fill you in on everything these little guys love to eat.




Balance is the key, as you don’t want to overdo it with any one food. Hamsters are known for eating anything they can get their grubby little paws on, so restricting them to one particular food is arecipe for disaster

关于仓鼠的一件好事是他们不会吃饱,所以你可以随时留下食物(注意:这是notmean that they can’t become overweight, just that they won’t gorge themselves). It may seem like the food’s disappearing faster than they could be eating it, though, and there’s a good reason for that — they’re hoarding.

hamster eating orange


You may think that hoarding is a negative behavior; after all, you’re providing your hamster with plenty of food, so why do they feel the need to stash emergency rations all over their cage?

事实是,这种行为是烤到他们DNA, and you can’t change it, no matter how much you argue with them. Hamsters actually get extremely stressed if they’re not allowed to hoard, so you should act like you don’t know about their secret stash under the bed.




What Hamsters Eat


Hamster pellets are little chunks of compressed hay, barley, oats, and other grains, with possibly a few other ingredients mixed in.


尝试购买一个完全自然的颗粒。作为一般规则,如果它看起来很粗糙,而且对你来说,你的仓鼠可能会喜欢它。一些颗粒具有染料和其他添加剂,给予它们鲜艳的色彩;请记住,这些化学品被添加以使食物看起来更好, not your pet.




You’ll find muesli-style mixes next to the hamster pellets in your pet food store. They look like they taste better than the pellets do, so you may be tempted to buy them instead.

Muesli Mixes的问题是它们是健康食品和含糖款待的组合,大多数仓鼠将跳过健康食品,以便在糖中掠夺自己。这剥夺了它们健康的营养,也可以损害他们的牙齿。


Timothy Hay


Timothy hay is high in fiber, so eating it ensures that your hamster will stay regular. High-fiber foods are filling, so your hamster will eat less junk food if they’re full of hay.


Fresh Vegetables


仓鼠喜欢新鲜的蔬菜,特别是叶茂盛绿色的蔬菜。Romaine Lettuce是最好的选择之一,因为它充满了维生素和抗氧化剂。避免冰山但是,随着太多的水可以给仓鼠腹泻。

You can also give your hamster broccoli, spinach, artichokes, carrots, cabbage, asparagus, and bok choy.


仓鼠吃什么 - 新鲜食品和成分
Image credit:blog.petloverscentre.com.


Fruits are nutritious, but they’re also full of sugar, so they should be given sparingly. Use them as treats more than dietary staples.


Just like with vegetables, you should wash the fruit thoroughly before serving it. Also, pick up any food that hasn’t been eaten within 24 hours.

hamster eating strawberry


Yes, it’s important to include meat in your hamster’s diet, as they need the protein and it’s something they’d eat in the wild. In fact, hamsters have even been known to hunt lizards and frogs in packs!

That doesn’t mean you need to bring home abullfrogas a sacrifice, though. Most people feed hard-boiled eggs and mealworms to their hamsters, although you can use cooked beef, turkey, orchicken。Crickets, grasshoppers, and other small insects also work.

Just be sure not to feed your hamster any bugs that could attack them, and don’t give them anything that may have come in contact with any pesticides. Also, don’t season any cooked meat that you serve them.

What Not to Feed Your Hamster

Knowing what foods to avoid giving your pet is almost as important as knowing what foods they should eat.

Most toxic hamster foods are fairly obvious:巧克力,咖啡因和酒精都是坏的想法(是的,即使仓鼠是春假的)。但是,其他人可能不那么不言而喻。

Don’t give them any raw meat(except insects), and avoid raw beans andpotatoesAcorns,花生, onions,番茄, andgarlic都是没有的。


What can hamsters eat - summary infographic
Image credit:blog.petloverscentre.com.

The Perfect Hamster Diet

仓鼠need a varied diet, but that doesn’t mean feeding them is hard. All you have to do is findhigh-quality pellets然后从那里去。

Luckily,hamsters aren’t picky,所以你应该能够找到各种食物,你的宠物会愉快地吞噬下来。现在,如果你只能让孩子们这么冒险!



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